Friday, July 22, 2011

"Sun, Moon & Stars"(c) 2011 by Kirk McConnell, gift to friend, Allen Calacci
This painting is done in acrylic on 11" x 14" canvas board. It was initially done as a lesson in design with my young pupil whom I was teaching shapes to at the time. Upon leaving it alone for a couple of weeks, I had decided that I wanted to take this picture further. It is my belief that if one can imagine something, then it can be made, e.g. painted.

This piece is called "Sun, Moon & Stars". It is a gift to my friend Allen who had just moved to his new apartment. He has been a real encouragement to me in the last couple of years, and I wanted to do something nice to say thanks for being my friend. 

For me, painting is not always about making money. It is also about sharing with others. I want to leave this earth one day knowing that I did my best to be kind to people. This piece to me represents finding that happiness in life when everything in life seams so busy. The sun and moon both smile but are different as night and day. It is a design that says we are small and the cosmos is greater than us, and we must do our part to try and fit in and live accordingly. If you will notice there is a number "42" in the moon's eye. It is a little homage to Douglas Adams: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Click on the image to see a larger view.