Monday, March 26, 2012

Inking of you, some more.

 I have been very busy drawing and inking. I have a few projects lined up that will keep me busy until May. I hope to get even busier once I find some gainful work. As far as doing my artwork, here are some of the things I have worked on lately, and are unedited:

Crush, from Finding Nemo.
This is my own rendering in ink. By Kirk McConnell 2012

 (Click to see larger.) This is a drawing of dolphins I made for my cousin Jenene, who is battling leukemia. I wanted to make something to brighten her day. I know that times are tough for her, but she has an indomitable spirit, and I know she will overcome her obstacles. Jenene has a great smile, and when I read her blogs, I also hear her determination to succeed. I believe she will. This entry is dedicated to my cousin.
A Trio of Dolphins, Color pencil on paper 9"x12" by Kirk McConnell (c)


 I recently inked my own pencil work. The following drawing is ink on tracing paper. I still have some clean up to do, but I modeled this image after work done by John Byrne who used to draw for Marvel Comic's X-MEN. So in a real sense this piece is fan made.
Marvel Comics- Wolverine by Kirk McConnell after John Byrne. 2012

Draconis Automechanicas by Kirk McConnell,
ink on tracing paper 2012 (c)
 The Dragon Car is a piece I made a long time ago. This was an initial effort to get back into inking. Overall, I like this, but I am going to do another ink job of this piece with more elements. I do like this drawing, but I also feel that I could incorporate more fantasy into the hybrid  portion of this picture.

 I recently submitted the Avengers drawing to be entered to win a t-shirt design contest at my local comic book store. This was my concept for a t-shirt, and though I know there is room for improvement, this was the style I wanted to use with an oversimplification of line a grays for use on a shirt if it wins. The winner gets bragging rights as well as his or her design on the shirt including a pair of tickets to see the new movie on May 4th. I hope I win.
Avengers T-shirt Design for 4ColorFantasies comic book shop contest, 2012/ by Kirk McConnell

This little piece is a piece I drew many years ago, but while rummaging through stacks of old drawings I found this picture. It is something of a science fiction piece and I have names for each of these but I wish leave their names off for now. In the 1970s and 1980s I was enamored with Science Fiction art, and to some extent still am. This is a piece I will continue to revisit and add more as I have ideas to suit this little gem.
Inked Science Fiction art by Kirk McConnell 2012 (c)

 I am a huge fan of the Fantastic Four. Ben Grimm, also known as The Thinghas been one of my heroes since I was a boy and remember him going head to head with the Hulk way back when. I was looking at Marvel's: How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way by Stan Lee and John Buscema when I made this, but it is in my own hand. In this picture, Thing is penciled with an ink overlay on tracing paper (time saver). Today I made an 11" x 17" copy of the Thing and intend to do some coloring to the picture all nice and clean. I will post an entry when I am done.

Marvel Comics- The Thing. My take on "Clobberin' Time!" by Kirk McConnell 2012

 I have posted this in earlier entries, but this is sort of a progress report. Little by little I am accomplishing this drawing. Since my last post, I have cleaned it up a little bit more, but I still have to adjust the contrast and adjust the grays. I think I mentioned, too, that one day this piece will be a mural on a wall in a home of my own, along with other comic book murals.
Marvel Comics Silver Surfer, after Jack Kirby, Grid and Ink by Kirk McConnell 2012

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