Thursday, March 1, 2012

Graphic Designs: Heroes and Faith. Part II

(Below) In the late 1990's my brother Bill McConnell and his friend, Bill Lockhart were in a local band called ETC. This was an album cover design I had made for them. There is a red version, too, but I am not going to post that since it will just be redundant. I really enjoyed their music, and sometimes wish the band were still playing today.
CD cover to ETC: Big Poop (c) Kirk McConnell, rev. 2012

(Right) Bearing good fruit is an earmark of the one who trusts Jesus. He tells us in John's gospel that he is the "vine", and we are the "branches". Jesus tells us that apart from Him we can do nothing. By that I mean, we can do nothing of spiritual importance. These qualities that we are to have in our lives is described here on this simple design and verse from Galatians 5. I don't see it like the law as revealed in Exodus, but a standard of quality that should be portrayed by anyone who follows Jesus.

Bearing Good Fruit by Kirk McConnell (c) 2011

Just a piece I did for myself. (2010)

(Above) I grew up in Cub Scouts and later graduated to Boy Scouts of America, and through the leadership training, I became an Eagle Scout. I have been inactive for sometime, but have desired to return to Scouting as I have many fond memories of camping and learning skills that I would like to eventually pass on someday in the near future.(God willing). Growing up in Scouts taught me to have confidence, to believe in myself, but to always be prepared to help others, and not be self-serving. I often wonder what has become of my fellow Eagle Scouts and Scouting friends I grew up with. I am in contact with a few, but life has changed the course for many of us, and of us few, life is very busy, difficult, challenging or successful. Whatever our place in life, we are always Scouts.

Green Lantern design by Kirk McConnell 2011
 (Above) Okay, so the movie was not great. It failed on many levels with me, although I would not blame Ryan Reynolds who portrayed Hal Jordan, AKA Green Lantern. I think there was a major flaw with the premise of the story and too many things that Green Lantern newbies were not prepared to comprehend. I would not have used Hector Hammond or Parallax as the nemesis of the story. In stead focus more on the origin and use a different galactic villain more suitable for Green Lantern to battle. Anyhow, I won't complain beyond this, as I am still an avid fan, and hope to see what is in store when Sinestro makes his reappearance as villain.

 (Below) Hawk-girl is an amazing and highly underutilized character in the DC Comics Universe. This design is a typographical experiment for me, both playful and serious, and paying tribute to one of my favorite female heroines.
Hawkgirl: Fury by Kirk McConnell 2011

Superman design by Kirk McConnell 2011

 (Left) Superman is one of my favorite superheroes. When I first saw Superman the Movie in the 1970's, I wished that I could be like Superman and save the day. The way the world is today, I think we need a Superman to fly in and sweep away all of the bad things that are making life difficult for people. 

In this design I inserted words that I felt best described who Superman is to me. Or is it how I would like to be?  Often when I make a design, I will use an action figure I photograph and create  photographic rendering in a program I use. Sometimes it is an easy thing for me, and other times not so easy, and equally time consuming.
 (Right) Iron Man is also one of my heroes. Without his armor he has no special ability save for his vast resources and ability to see possibilities of future technology. Iron Man's alias is Tony Stark, a rich billionaire playboy also gifted with a streak of super genius and creativity. I think I was inspired by previous movie posters I have seen with Al Pacino. This Iron Man design uses just a little bit of photo manipulation for the glowing eyes and other parts. I used yellow to contrast the red on the harsh black background and an imaginative flaming fiery ground . This by far is one of my favorite pieces to have made.
Iron Man poster design/homage by Kirk McConnell 2011

Wonder Woman picture by Kirk McConnell 2011

 (Left) I have to admit that I have always loved the Wonder Woman character. I fell in love with Lynda Carter when I was a young boy and which young lad wouldn't? Wonder Woman represents strength, virtue, intelligence.  I think those are qualities I admire in a woman who is more than just physically attractive. In the realm of comic books she has top billing as a lead heroine, a major player in the Justice League, and sometimes a difficult choice making role model for young women around the world.  Wonder Woman can be fierce, but not lacking compassion. It is why I would like to write or draw for her character if given the chance in the future.
 (Right) The Green Lantern is about overcoming fear. He is not absent of fear, he just knows how to manage the things that make him afraid. It is this acknowledgement in my own life that makes it possible for me to advance even now in the midst of things that are causing me anxiety as a result of fear. 

This design is one I am fond of simply because it reminds me that I can overcome my fears. In away, I think of this as a self-portrait, not how I really see myself, but imagining that I can be a hero too. Green Lantern, if I haven't mentioned, would be one of the other characters I would either like to write stories for or to draw. 

"In brightest day or blackest night no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might beware my power, Green Lantern's light." -motto
Green Lantern design by Kirk McConnell 2011

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