Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Designs Old and New.

I have been looking for work. Right now I consider myself to be an independent art consultant and entrepreneur. One of the aspects of being independent is having to rely on my own wits to find ways to connect with people. Also, I have to reinvent myself often, because it is important to change with the times and stay current. It just how I roll. It is not an easy endeavor. Sometimes it is frustrating. Creativity stagnates for me periodically, but I try to remain true to myself and keep drawing whether I feel like it or not. It requires discipline, and commitment, both which have required me to work very hard to maintain. But, I am not complaining. Many creative types have to make time for themselves to make artwork usually due to working other jobs or other aspects related to a busy lifestyle. If all I had to do each day was draw, and not worry about the other things happening in my life, I would be a happier person. My desire is to draw pictures for a living, albeit working for a company large as Disney, Marvel or DC Comics, Lucasfilm or working for myself, so long as I can be comfortable and happy doing what I love most.

"Not a V-W." by Kirk McConnell (c)1989 rev. 2012(c)
This is a design I did a very long time ago, but this one shown is a revision of the original I did in 1989. I used to make cassette J-Cards for myself whenever I recorded music, and I liked the design within the confines of the circle.

One of my logo designs (c) KMcConnell 2012

This is a logo I did for myself. It is inspired by the use of children's wooden architectural blocks. I like using basic shapes and integrate them with positive and negative space. The letter "M" is easier for me to design than the use of "Mc" which has been used by another famous label that has seasoning salts.

Esh means fire in Hebrew.

This picture is of the Hebrew word "Esh" which means, fire. I tried to stay true to the original brush strokes as I photocopied and enlarged the word. I only modified the word as such in the way that incorporates the yellow-orange dents within the letters and the blue flame which is a reiteration of the first part of the word.

Esh (fire) Color Pencil Concept Sketch by Kirk McConnell 2011 (c)
This was the original idea I began with when I was helping a friend with a book cover design. She wanted something that represented fire, and given the context of this word, we both agreed it was a good start. I could use this by itself or the way it is portrayed in the graphic shown before this.

This letter "J" was for a friend of mine. I was experimenting with new graphics program and seeing how to use layers, color, filters, and repetitious patterns. I am comfortable with the overall design, and my friend liked it, too. Similarly, I did something with the Letter "K", and kept it a little more refined.

"J" for Jennifer. (c)KMc 2011
"K" for Kirk. (c)KMc 2011

This design, "Fish with Trish," is for a friend of mine who has a ministry in Texas. Although she did not use this design, I believe she liked the initial concept of it, and I hope one day it can be used more to her liking. Keep the faith Trisha. (Philippians 4:13)
"Fish with Trish" logo- by Kirk McConnell (c) 2010

"J-Walkin'" (c)A.R.R. by Kirk McConnell 2006
"J" in flames (c)A.R.R. by Kirk McConnell 2006
"J-Walkin'" (c)A.R.R. by Kirk McConnell 2006
 I have a love of doodling ideas on paper. One of my dreams is to have my own T-shirt label and apparel. I created "J-Walk Apparel" sometime back in 2006, with the intent that one day I would see my dream realized. I have a passion for Christ in my life, and I want to spread the message of God's love through design and the written word on T-Shirts. These sketches are early concepts of what I would use if I had a production line of shirts, hats, ties, etc. It would be cool to see these ideas embroidered or as silk screen designs. There are so many shirts and other apparel that utilize skulls and M.M.A. logos, that I think men and women are becoming influenced by elements that hold a dark nature to them. My desire is to be salt and light to those I encounter, and to steadfast in my beliefs without endangering someone's ideologies.

"J-Walkin'" (c)A.R.R. by Kirk McConnell 2006
 I like all of these ideas, and hope that I can decide how to approach this in the near future.

Harvest Fair by Kirk McConnell (c) 2000

 I know this is really simple, but I wanted to show that I can do layout. This design is nothing fancy. It was kind of something I did on the spur of the moment. At my church they hold a Harvest Fair annually as an alternative to all of the creepy things that go on during Halloween. It is 8 1/2" x 11" on paper. Although this was done in 2000, I still like to keep it handy in case I am ever asked to make future designs. I would change it around a bit, of course. I don't like to keep things the same.

I placed this design in a previous entry, but this is how the CD art I did for my brother's former band should look. 

I just like the design. I know it has been used before conceptually, but I am proud of the work I did with this, "Big Poop."

"ETC: Big Poop" Design by Kirk McConnell (c) rev. 2010

Petra has been around for a very long time. I first heard this Christian Rock band when I was about 13 years old. They have held a strong presence in my life musically, and have continued to be encouraged by them when I still hear them play today. 
This is a personal cover I did for myself. If I ever get the opportunity to design for Greg X. Volz, John Schlitt, or Petra as a whole, I would be greatly blessed knowing I could design for a band I listened to almost forever.
They are simply the best musicians I have ever heard. 

Simply The Best of Petra ( a personally inspired design.) by Kirk McConnell

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