Monday, April 16, 2012

Fan art-Bart Simpson as Poseidon by Kirk McConnell
I felt that I should post this picture. I did this as a gift for someone several years ago. This is my take on Poseidon, from Greek mythology. I have to admit, I might do a couple things differently, but I was satisfied with the poster overall. It is, if I remember an 18"x24" poster, mixed media. I primarily used colore pencil (heavily) and scumbling in the waves with white acrylic or gesso. It is one of those pieces I might have to make again for myself. I am glad that I was able to keep a record of this. 

I think that my favorite part is Bart with his trident chasing down Homer.  Homer as most people will know almost always has one of those "Doh!" moments. I think I used a black Sharpie pen to create some of the heavier black lines. I am not opposed to using felt markers if it gets the job done.

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