Friday, April 13, 2012

Save The Date: 2nd Star Wars Poster

Promotional Poster for the City of Ontario Library, California by Kirk McConnell
Recently I submitted a poster for an art workshop to a local library in Ontario, California. I am very satisfied with the way the first poster turned out. I had to do a lot of the work by hand since I do not have adequate funds or materials that I could use to make the kind of poster that I wanted. In a way I had to "Mac Guyver" my way through the process, and somehow completed each picture okay. Between the two projects I estimate that it took me a cumulative of 48 hours to complete the work of both poster, this second poster requiring more labor and thought.

The picture shown here is a digitally cleaned up version to the best of my ability. I did the collage as individual pictures, then scanned them for use as a digital collage. After the collage was assembled, I printed out a copy I liked and colored it by hand, then making a color copy/scan, again. I tried to keep my photocopy number low, as one knows a copy loses quality each time it is reproduced. 

The bottom image on the poster, with the basic step-by-step "Clone Trooper" was hand drawn by me and colored. I think I have minute flaws, but I am not trying to be critical. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to criticizing my art. The Clone Trooper is going to go on my new blog, which will be one of the first entries for my "How to Draw" series. I am a strong proponent of visual literacy, but more so for the enjoyment of creativity as well as the functional role of art in our culture. My goal will be to inspire and build confidence in individuals who feel inadequate with their drawing abilities.

Below are two inked black and white samples I used for the collage. 

Inked drawing of Anakin Skywalker by Kirk McConnell -2012

Inked drawing of Yoda by Kirk McConnell - 2012

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